As long as our ceremonies live, as long as one of us beats the drum, as long as one of us listens, as long as one of
us speaks, our culture, our people, will survive.
Ceremony is at the heart of Indigenous spirituality and the survival of our cultures. For all urban people
of indigenous descent, ceremony is a crucial connection to our history, our culture, our land and our identity. Through ceremony
we keep the world – and ourselves – in Balance.
Leon Secatero, leader of the Spiritual Elders of Mother Earth has said "We are the care takers of Mother
Earth, if we neglect our sacred duties, we will destroy ourselves."
"It is time to remember our sacred ways, with a drum stick in one hand and the sacred tobacco in the other,
let the holy ones hear us sing again."
For fifteen years the Aztlan Mexica Nation Harmony Circle – the Harmony Keepers – have protected
our culture and our people. And now we need your help.
We are a warrior society – and our task is to safeguard the ceremonies, traditions, actions and cultural
integrity of our Peoples.
Our outlook is indigenous, our leadership is indigenous and our practices are indigenous. We consciously
and at a very practical and direct level follow the leadership of indigenous elders and of the traditions that have been maintained
in the face of over 500 years of genocide aimed at destroying those traditions.
All indigenous ceremony is focused on Harmony. Our task is simple – to assure that the balance and
power in the ceremony – as led by the spiritual guardians of this land - remains undisturbed. We do so by keeping harmony
in the environment in which the ceremony is taking place.
Our path as Harmony Keepers is participating in ceremonies, sweat lodges, martial arts training, and classes
in history and culture. Our school offers free services to anyone who would like to participate. This is a gathering
place where families come to learn their native ways, where cultural events and song and drum circles are held, and where
community activists meet, is open to all - free of charge.
With the targeting of our People, the increasing urgency of the crisis impacting our Mother Earth and the
urgent importance of ceremony at this crucial juncture, the Harmony Keepers must grow to keep pace with the demands being
placed on us.