Ce Tehuan, We Are One.
Everything in the Universe, on Mother Earth, and within our own spirits is guided with and by the Sacred Drum Beat, Sacred
Circles, and a Connection to our past by the teachings that Our Ancestors left to us. The knowledge and wisdom Our
Ancestors have left to us is very much treasured, for we are the keepers of the land, here for a purpose as the Great
Mystery, (Tloke Nahuake, Tunkashila) is always paving the way as the Seven Generations did for the present. These valuable
gifts we share to those who come with an open heart, to learn and be a community of givers.
Special Thanks to the People.
To all the elders in the community, who as long time activists have dedicated their time to the people
on a non-stop basis. To all the Native People across the continent of the Eagle and the Condor, where together,
with our Native or Indigenous brothers and sisters, we have given a lot of our time and hearts to Mother Earth, and
have proven that we can be extremely loyal to the traditional ways and social justice. We thank our teachers who have
visited us, taught us, and shared with us their knowledge. The Telpochcalli, ultimately belongs to the people, it is a grassroots
organization that relies on the non-corporate suppport of consciously giving individuals. In essence, it is the voice of the
people and the calling of the ancestors that a space can be provided where we can come together in the place we call the school
of commoners, or Telpochcalli. Ometeotl.
Our Programs
Programs and services consist of cultural classes, workshops, drum circles, open mic, poetry, guest speakers, and performances.
We practice Martial Arts in the form of self-defense, with responsibility and integrity. Everything we do is to build community
and respect diversity.
Martial Arts Classes 4:30-6 PM
History Classes 6-8 PM
Indigenous Theory, Philosophy, and
Martial Arts Classes 7-9 PM
Drum Circle 7-9 PM
Cuauh Tochtli and Mexica Cuauhtemoc
FUPA 8-10 PM
(United Front of People of the Americas)
1000 East Cesar Chavez Avenue, Second Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Directions: From Downtown LA and 110 Freeway.
Exit Mission Road, Left on Mission, Right on Chavez.
We are on the corner of Mission and Chavez.
For more info on web or updates, contact:
Para mas informacion sobre el sitio, contacta:
Collective Copyright 2005-6, Eagle and Condor Unity
Derecho Colectivo 2005-6, Union de la Agila y el Condor