Do you have comments or questions on our organization? Would you like to become a member or sign up for an upcoming event?
Please get in touch!
You can send an e-mail or write to our Speaker:
Hector Perez-Pacheco
Or you can reach us at our mailing address:
New Location as of Monday, July 10, 2006
Aztlan Mexica Nation
Harmony Keepers' Circle 1000 East Cesar Chavez Avenue, Second Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Directions: East LA,
crosses with Mission street
off of 101 freeway

Related Links, We Are One People With No Inhumane Borders...
Related Links:
The International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) is an organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, South America
and the Pacific working for the Sovereignty and Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples and the recognition and protection
of Indigenous Rights, Traditional Cultures and Sacred Lands.
To seek, promote and build official participation of Indigenous Peoples in the United Nations and its specialized agencies,
as well as other international forums; To seek international recognition for Treaties and Agreements between Indigenous Peoples
and Nation-States; To support the human rights, self-determination and sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples; to oppose colonialism
in all its forms, and its effects upon Indigenous Peoples; To build solidarity and relationships of mutual support among Indigenous
Peoples of the world. To disseminate information about Indigenous Peoples’ human rights issues, struggles, concerns
and perspectives. To establish and maintain one or more organizational offices to carry out IITC’s information dissemination,
networking and human rights programs.
International Indian Treaty Council